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Do you want your business to take the next step into the new digital era?

Why TaxHeaven Webinars

The service offers one year of full access to the seminars, with the reliability and interactivity of their platform. Tax advisors can be informed financially in response to financial and tax changes in legislation.


Topics and monitoring flexibility

The benefits of TAXHEAVEN webinars include: ease of monitoring from the office, saving time and money without physical presence, innovative interactive platform, current topics, high-level rapporteurs and answers to questions. The platform is constantly upgraded for a premium experience and enriched with new topics.

High-level information

• Large number of seminars per year.
• Rich topics covering a wide range of topics.
• High level rapporteurs for correct information.
• Interactive platform adaptable to needs.
• Available notes and answers to questions.
• Chat communication with participants and moderators.
• Save and record notes.
• Certificate of attendance after the end of the seminar.
• Possibility of recorded monitoring.


Tax Heaven Webinars offers over 30 webinars per year on topical topics for accountants. Participants have access to an interactive platform, personalized notes, answers to questions and a certificate of attendance. There is the possibility of video monitoring and communication via chat.

Why TaxHeaven Webinars

The service offers one year of full access to the seminars, with the reliability and interactivity of their platform. Tax advisors can be informed financially in response to financial and tax changes in legislation.


Topics and monitoring flexibility

The benefits of TAXHEAVEN webinars include: ease of monitoring from the office, saving time and money without physical presence, innovative interactive platform, current topics, high-level rapporteurs and answers to questions. The platform is constantly upgraded for a premium experience and enriched with new topics.

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