Epsilon Smart Ergani Business
The market’s smart cloud solution for the Digital Employment Card.
Utilizing user familiarity with the Internet from daily website use, ESS offers remarkable ease of use to all employees, directors or manages, with access from any location, even from home. ESS offers more power to employees, providing them with an Internet portal from where they can retrieve information. With a complete electronic history and monitoring, directors, managers and the HR department can achieve improved management and issue control, with a clear total overview.
Traditionally time-consuming and bureaucratic processes are now computer organized and automated, ending paperwork, phone calls, Excel files and all immaterial actions, fully automating many processes and eradicating the need for data imports or user interventions, minimizing the possibility of errors in payroll calculation. Waiting and settlement time is minimized, without delays caused by the involvement of other parties.
The Standard Edition offers an extensive Out-of-the-Box solution with minimal deployment time. Employees are provided with direct and integrated information on all company issues. In addition, the Enterprise Edition allows adaptability of any company process of the organization and deployment of custom actions. Time saving with increased employee productivity and reduced bureaucracy in payroll and human resources departments also significantly reduce the company’s operating cost.
Interface with all versions of Business Payroll and Pylon HRM, with automatic data synchronization. Direct, immediate ESS updates with each change in the payroll program data. ESS, based on the advanced scientific levels evident in all EPSILON NET Group of Companies services and products can send all necessary data to the payroll program, allowing it to send it in turn to the ERGANI Operational Programme. This data includes personnel leaves, work schedules and scheduled overtime.
ESS helps ensure legality and adherence to all GDPR regulations, offering an electronic file with certificates and documents and the option of changing employee personal data. The employees’ rights, benefits and obligations are rendered absolutely clear. Employees can access their leave balance, request for leaves, advance payments and other benefits, following clear approval flows. At the same time they can receive information on corporate news and announcements and all available benefits.
The application provides quick management for a large volume of data, applying secure protocols. It also integrates interface with Microsoft Active Directory or even more modern authentication methods, such as Azure Multi-Factor Authentication. A full system of permissions is provided, based on roles and exceptions, granting specialized access to all users.
The unlimited configuration options cover all particular company needs which may be presented, facilitating all employees, directors and managers in their daily tasks. Flexibility and expandability are provided on all application layers, offering multilingual options and the option of changing any phrases or text in the application. Automated update operations for employees, on the course of their requests settlement, and for directors and managers on all actions required on their side, for quick completion of processes.
A special support hotline for major customers, with advanced consultative support. The most advanced training procedure with unlimited options (by phone, remote desktop, on premise, recorded presentations, recorded procedures per section).
Employees can see their balances as provided by the law, the corporate policy and their previous use at any given time and request leaves. Respectively, directors can configure the leaves plan and batch approve the leaves requested by their subordinates. The employees’ personal electronic files provide delivery of payment receipts, wages certificates and any other certificates requested by the employee on the system. At any given time, employees can request an updating of their personal data. Employees also have access to announcements by the company or their team/department, as well as to the corporate calendar.
Employees’ presences and working hours are recorded either through the timekeeping modules of payroll programs or via statements on the ESS portal, offering flexibility and an overview of work, including management via the presence log screens. Scheduling of shifts, days off and overtime is completed easily and quickly, updating the payroll programs for the respective uploads on the ERGANI operational programme. In addition, an overtime justification process is provided as well as an option of managing an overview of tasks.
Employees can file requests for work trips and receive trip advance payments. At any given time, upon their return or during the trip, they can log their expenses in any currency and receive the proper refund by the company. Directors can justify expenses exceeding predetermined limits.
The application offers a flexible module where evaluation processes can be regularly setup. Each process can contain one or more types of forms: • Graded forms, which consist of questions grouped by skills • Non-graded forms (surveys) • Target setting registration and grading • Growth and training plan Multiple assessors are supported, as well as self-assessment and 360o assessments. In addition, Business Intelligence advanced features are provided via the Microsoft Power BI.
A flexible Web Service is provided to import CVs via connection with the organization's corporate sites. Recruitment tasks are managed, scheduling interviews and assigning them to interviewers, who register interview results. Next, selections of candidates for recruitment are sent to the payroll programs for the employee’s onboarding. All necessary tools for Talent Management and Succession Planning are provided, with an option of creating acceleration pools of recommended individuals for development and promotion within the organization (either by manual import or by submitting nominations during the evaluation process).
• Eradication of unreasonable expenses & Time/Money savings • Decongestion of Personnel department • Boosted productivity • Connection with Payroll application & Automations
• Option for migrating the HR Management to a Web Platform • Corporate Social Policy Application • Business Intelligence integration • Investment on technology with high ROI
• Transparent Corporate Processes • Security
• Remarkable ease & immediacy • Reduced waiting times for applications/certificates • Immediate information on corporate issues • Access from any location, even from home
• Transparency - Trust • Employee empowerment • Employee satisfaction
Contact us, if you wish for your company to take the next step in the New Digital Era!
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