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Establishment of the 2nd Epsilon Support Center in view of the new investments by the RECOVERY FUND

EPSILON NET Group proceeded to the establishment of the 2nd “Software and Network Support Center” based in Athens, after the significant success of the 1st Epsilon Support Center in Thessaloniki. In the new Support Center, EPSILON NET participates with a percentage of 60% and with a percentage of 40% participates Mr. Kosmas Nafpliotis, an entrepreneur with excellent knowledge of the business software industry and significant activity in the field of Information Technology for more than twenty years.

“Epsilon Support Centers” aim, in direct cooperation with the service departments of the EPSILON NET Group companies, to serve exclusively the partners – members of the Group’s network, providing B2B specialized services, strengthening their support at all levels and offering at the same time solutions regarding the analysis and implementation of projects, after sales support, programming solutions in the Group’s technology solutions. It is worth noting that the 1st Epsilon Support Center of EPSILON NET Group, founded in September 2019 in Thessaloniki, has successfully executed the operational objectives set, since to date it has contributed to the successful implementation of numerous and important IT projects with the utilization of the Pylon platform and technologies, while at the same time it achieved significant financial results for 2021 both in terms of turnover and in terms of increasing profitability compared to 2020. Epsilon Support Centers are one of the Group’s strategic choices, aiming at the immediate coverage of current needs and future changes that will occur in the constantly changing IT industry.

The establishment of the 2nd Support Center coincides with the launch of the project to inform the Group’s customers about the utilization of the support framework that will be offered by the action “Digital Business Transformation” of the RECOVERY FUND and more specifically the program “Digital Tools for SMEs” with a total aid budget of € 180,000,000 that is expected to start in June. The 70% aid will be provided through a VOUCHER (intangible cheque in the form of an eight-digit code), which will be issued for the benefit of the beneficiary company and will be used exclusively for the purchase of digital tools and software applications. The Group has already announced the 1st informational event co-organized with InfoQuest TECHNOLOGIES and supported by MICROSOFT and will take place online on May 17th under the title “Recovery Fund: Vouchers Program for the Digital Transformation of Small and Medium- sized Enterprises”

EPSILON NET Group continues with consistency, the execution of its business plan and expects the growth of its customer base, the financial results and the high liquidity, to become the driving forces for the beginning of a new growth cycle in Greece and abroad.